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Riichi Competition Scoring

4.1.2 Exact calculation of the hand value

Instead of calculating manually the value of the hand, the tables are recommended. For completeness, however, the calculation procedure is given here.

For hands worth five or more fan, the table for limit hands is used. For hands worth less than five fan, the value is calculated thus:

The base value of the hand ( the minipoints rounded up ) are doubled by the number of fan plus 2. This figure is the base figure to be paid by all three opponents in case of self-draw. For East, however, the figure is doubled one more time. East receives double payment, but also pays twice the amount of the base figure in case of an opponent’s selfdraw.

Payments are rounded up to the next 100, though never exceeding the value of a mangan. In case of winning on a discard, the discarding player must pay for all opponents, incl. East, i.e. four times the base figure if the winner is not East, and three times the doubled base figure if the winner is East. The payment is rounded up to the next 100, though never exceeding the value of a mangan.

In addition to this is the value of counters and riichi bets on the table.

4.1.3 Scoring tables

The scoring tables are categorized by whether the winner is East or not, and whether the win was on a discard (ron) or on self-draw (tsumo).

In the relevant table, use the column that gives the fan value of the hand and the row that gives the minipoint value of the hand.

The table East on self-draw (Tsumo) gives the amount that each opponent should pay to East. The table Others on self-draw (Tsumo) gives two numbers; the largest number is the payment from East, the other number is the payment from each of the two other opponents. The tables for winning on a discard (Ron) gives the amount that the discarder should pay to the winner.

The tables for limit hands gives the amount that each opponent should pay to a self-drawn win. In case of winning on a discard, the discarder pays for all, e.g. for a haneman the payment is 18 000 to East or 12 000 otherwise.

The value of any counters and riichi bets are added to the value found in the tables.

4.2 Yaku overview

Several yaku requires that the hand is concealed. A concealed hand can be won on a discard. If the discarded winning tile finishes a pung, the pung is considered open when scoring the minipoints, but the hand as such is still concealed.
The yaku are all cumulative, so several yaku may be combined in the same mahjong hand. E.g. a concealed hand with All Simples and Mixed Triple Chows is worth 4 fan on a self-draw. If the hand is open, it is worth only two fan. No more than thirteen fan can be obtained in this way.

Yakuman are not cumulative.

4.2.1 One yaku

Riichi (RIICHI).
Concealed waiting hand declared at 1000 points stake. See 3.3.14 for the detailed rules of declaring riichi. An extra yaku, IPPATSU, is awarded for winning within the first un-interrupted set of turns after declaring riichi, including the next draw by the riichi declarer. If the set of turns is interrupted by claims for kong, pung or chow, including concealed kongs, the chance for IPPATSU is gone.

An extra yaku, DABURU RIICHI, is awarded for declaring riichi in the first set of turns, i.e. in the players very first turn. The first set of turns must be un-interrupted, i.e. if any claims for kong, pung or chow, including concealed kongs, has occurred before the riichi declaration, DABURU RIICHI is not possible.

Fully Concealed Hand (MENZEN TSUMO)
Winning on a self-draw on a concealed hand.

All Simples (TANYAO CHUU).
Hand with no terminals and honours.

Pinfu (PINFU).
Concealed all chows hand with a valueless pair. I.e. a concealed hand with four chows and a pair that is neither dragons, nor seat wind, nor prevailing wind.

The winning tile is required to finish a chow with a two-sided wait. The hand is by definition worth no minipoints, only the base 30 on a discard or 20 on self-draw.

Pure Double Chow (IIPEIKOU).
Concealed hand with two completely identical chows, i.e. the same values in the same suit, e.g.:

Mixed Triple Chow (SAN SHOKU DOUJUN) .
Hand with three chows of the same numerical sequence, one in each suit, e.g.:

Gives an extra fan if concealed.

Pure Straight (ITSU).
Hand with three consecutive chows in the same suit, e.g.:

Gives an extra fan if concealed.

Pung/kong of dragons.

Pung/kong in player’s seat wind.

Prevailing Wind (FANPAI/YAKUHAI).
Pung/kong in the prevailing Wind.

Outside Hand (CHANTA).
All sets contain terminals or honours, and the pair is terminals or honours. The hand contains at least one chow. Gives an extra fan if concealed.

After a kong (RINCHAN KAIHOU).
Winning on a replacement tile after declaring a kong. Counts as self-draw.

Robbing the kong (CHAN KAN).
Winning on a tile that an opponent adds to a melded pung in order to make a kong, see Section 3.3.6. Since the kong is not declared successfully, no kong dora is revealed.

Counts as ron (win on a discard). Robbing the kong also applies when winning on Thirteen Orphans on a tile used by an opponent for making a concealed kong. Only in the case of Thirteen Orphans can a concealed kong be robbed.

Under the Sea (HAITEI).
Winning on self-draw on the last tile in the wall. Does not combine with After a kong RINSHAN KAIHOU.

Under the Sea (HOUTEI).
Winning on the discard after the last tile in the wall. (This discard can only be claimed for winning, not for kong, pung or chow)

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