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MahjongTime News

March 2016 Software Update

Mahjong Time is continually improving its EON Mobile platform, and bringing you the best Mahjong experience!

This month, Mahjong Time is rolling out many improvements and updates to the EON Software:

1. NMJL Card 2016 coming soon!
We received the new 2016 card and expect to have the new 2016 rules live in about a week!
Stay tuned for a release announcement coming shortly!

2. Revised European Riichi Rules enter into effect in April 2016.
Mahjong Time is doing its final rounds of testing on the new revised European Riichi Rules The most significant modifications of the rules are listed below:

Red Fives/akapai/赤牌 tiles - removed
Abortive draw rules - removed
Five counters rule - removed
Nagashi Mangan/ 流し満貫 rule - removed

All Simples/ Open Tanyao; Kuitan/ 喰い断/ rule - added
Swap-calling not allowed/Kuikae Nashi /喰い替えなし rule- added

Blessing of Man/Renho/人和 payment - Mangan(not a yakuman)
Big Four Winds /Dai suushii/ 大四喜 payment -yakuman/役満(not a double yakuman)
Hand with 13+ fan payment/Kazoeyakuman/数え役満 - sanbaiman( not a yakuman)
Uma/ウマ payments - 15,000/5,000/-5,000/-15,000
Chombo/冲合 penalty during tournaments - 20,000 p. deducted after UMA payment.
Temporary furiten ends when the player draws or claims a tile

Stay tuned for more information as the release of this riichi rules revision comes closer and closer!

3. EON Beta is coming to EON Mobile very soon!
Mahjong Time will be releasing a landmark update to its EON Mobile platform soon! The new update will replace the call buttons at the bottom/side of the screen with a full-option menu that only pops up when it is your turn to make a call. The new system will make the platform feel more realistic, immersive, and lively. Additionally, the new system will speed up the pace of the game by only presenting the call menu to players when it is needed.

Patch Notes (03/30/16)
You can review the detailed list of changes here: Patch Notes

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