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Day One at the WSOM - Recap and Photos!

Our Mahjong Time qualifiers are having a great time at the WSOM!

The top ranked Mahjong Time player thus far is player "alala" who is currently in FOURTH place! Player "once" is currently another player in the top 30 and is tied in 24th place! Another player doing well is "jayjayyau" who is in 91st place.

We have some pictures of Day One, including shots of our qualifiers proudly displaying Mahjong Time shirts! They are helping promote your favorite mahjong site to a global audience.

Download the file below to view the complete results!
Stay tuned for more updates and pictures!
Cambios Importantes en la Puntuación – para las Reglas WSoM y Japonesas
Anunciando los Mejores Juegos de Mayo
Programa de Bonificación de $100 - Refiere a un Amigo - ¡Ayúdanos a hacer Crecer Nuestra Comunidad!
Cancelación del Torneo de clasificación WSoM de junio
3º Torneo Internacional de París 2008
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