Mahjong Time
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Introducing Virtual Currency

We are introducing a new virtual currency- Golden Coins

How it works:

1. Golden Coins are used to buy game features such as avatars, games items such as Voice Chat, Time Bank, Open Wall and Coffee Break and also buy Dragon Chips (which are used as game tokens)
2. Players challenge each other using Dragon Chips(DC)
3. The winner of the game wins the total amount of challenged Dragon Chips subtracting rake:

·         Free Players – 20% Rake

·         Premium – 5% Rake

·         VIP – 0% Rake!

Example: Prize Fund for 100 DC fun game will be: 100x4=400 – Rake
In this case a free player would receive 340 DC, a Premium member 380 DC, and a VIP 400 DC

4. Players with less than 1000 Dragon Chips get more daily. Free players receive 1000 Dragon Chips per day, Premium members receive up to 3000 per day, and VIP members receive up to 5000 per day!

Free Players receive 1000 Dragon Chips per day.
Premium Users receive 1000 Dragon Chips 3 times a day
VIP Members receive 1000 Dragon Chips 5 times per day!

Important Note: We will be replacing prizes for Guild competitions with Dragon Chips sums. Weekly winning Guild members, that have contributed a positive score to his/her Guild, receive 5000 Dragon Chips on their Mahjong Time account. The most active player of the winning Guild receives one-month free VIP membership or 8000 Dragon Chips.

The conversion table between Dragon Chips and Golden Coins is:

玩家檔案 - LaurelR
本月最佳遊戲 – 2009年2月
玩家檔案 - Jade27
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