Mahjong Time
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In - Game Features Launched!

We are proud to announce that, we have released a brand new software set of very unique features to Mahjong Time game play. These new in-game features will add extra convenience and realism to the Mahjong Time gaming platform, and are sure to be a great starting point for future updates, which will also be focused on adding realism to the Mahjong Time experience. The in-game features that have been released today are:

Time Bank - When you're getting ready to make that game-changing play, or you're faced with a tough choice and just need a bit of extra time to think, the Time Bank will grant you extra time to make your move. Using the Time Bank can give you up to an extra 4 seconds per move (max 30 sec per deal). By using the Time Bank wisely, you can give yourself the extra time you need to come out on top.

Coffee Break - If you need a break form the fast-paced Mahjong action, Coffee Break is there for you! Use Coffee Break to add an extra 3 minutes break between deals, enough time to get a new cup of coffee and get focused to take on the competition!

All of these in-game features are available for purchase using golden coins. Click here to see where in-game features are located.

After this update, free players will no longer have a rating. All free players' ratings will be displayed as zero. All players are important to the Mahjong time community and are encouraged to subscribe for a membership to begin building their ratings and belts. Mahjong Time memberships are inexpensive, as low as $4.95 per month. Subscribe now and you'll be on your way to becoming a Mahjong master!
Offre de bonus Référez un ami pour 100$ - Programme extra de Leaderboard!
Nouvelle version enfin disponible!
Initiatives d’anti-collusion de Mahjong Time
Nouvelle structure de paiement pour un temps limité!
On annonce le gagnant du tirage de 1000$! Participez à notre tirage du mois de juillet!
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