GMT events at Mahjong Time are official events with a global ranking system. The gold standard of skilled online Mahjong play, the GMT events are open to any challengers seeking to test themselves against the biggest names in online Mahjong from around the world!

Important Note: To be eligible for this year’s bonus GMT prizes a player MUST:
- Play the tournament using Mahjong Time EON
- Be a Mahjong Time member
Click on the “Tournaments” tab in the Mahjong Time lobby to register for GMT events!
This month's GMT winners are:
Chinese Official GMT
1. BellJensen
2. smile8
3. Elifri1
1. 0rbit
2. Lightsephi
Thanks to all those who participated!
Ready for the challenge of trying your luck and skill against the best? All Mahjong Time members are welcome to play for and entry fee of only 100 Golden Coins ($1)! GMTs cycle through Hong Kong, MCR, Taiwanese, NMJL and Riichi styles.
Click Here to see the schedule of GMT events.
Zung Jung and Japanese Modern

Interested in trying interesting and unique rule sets? Check out Zung Jung and Japanese Modern All Dragons Tournaments, played on alternate Sundays. These events feature a 500 Golden Coin prize in addition to the regular Dragon Chip prize for Mahjong Time members! The entry fee is only 5,000 Dragon Chips, so don’t miss out on your chance to try these special rule sets!
Important Note: To be eligible for this year’s bonus GMT prizes a player MUST:
- Play the tournament using Mahjong Time EON
- Be a Mahjong Time member
Click Here to see the list of scheduled Dragon Tournament events (including Zung Jung and Japanese Modern)
The Zung Jung winners in November are:
(11/08) - DavidSWu
(11/22) - biggles6
(11/29) - tobiaschdz
Japanese Modern winners in November are:
(11/01) - Denl
(11/15) - 0rbit