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Player Spotlight: LAauntie

This month we are spotlighting a Taiwanese style master and Mahjong Time player - LAauntie. LAauntie has been at Mahjong Time for over two years, and in that time has made it to the very top of the Taiwanese style community rankings! We got the chance to ask LAauntie some questions:

Q: How did you originally discover multiplayer Mahjong?
A: I was checking out various mahjong sites in the Internet and accidently found MJT. I was attracted by it. First I joined as a free player and very soon became an active member since then.

Q: How often do you play online?
A: I played online almost everyday unless I am on vacation or out of town.

Q: How long have you played at Mahjong Time?
A: Since I joined on July 4 (Our Independence Day holiday) two years ago.

Q: What do you like the most about Mahjong Time?
A: I can play freely as I wanted, come and go as I wished. If I am free, I can sit here and play as many hours as I wanted but if I am busy, I can still login and play a few games to satisfy my craving for mahjong games, lol. Players are mostly polite and friendly.

Q: Tell us more about yourself! What would other Mahjong Time players be surprised to know about you?
A: Oh, I am just a common housewife. I am lucky to have a husband that can afford my living so I don’t need to work but spend a lot of time to play mahjong (haha). I played real life mahjong for many years before I joined MJT. I still play real life games but I am playing more and more online, especially if I play guilds. I know a lot of players online by now. Most of them are very nice and friendly to me. Some of the players told me that I’m a good player. I am humble and honored. I guess I have a long history of knowing how to play the game. I knew how to play mahjong (HK style) when I was 3 years old and I only started school when I was 4 – haha.

Q: Which style of Mahjong do you like best? Why is this your favorite?
A: I play exclusively the TW style now, sometimes I play HK style, but would like to learn the AM and MCR if I have time to read the rules. Then I will learn how to play Richi next – haha.

Q: What is better: playing live or playing online?
A: Playing alive and playing online are very different. You are always playing with friends or family members if you are playing live games, chatting and eating at times, enjoying good company and feel like partying or socializing whereas playing online has a totally different atmosphere, sort of get down to business feeling (haha). I like both of them, just feeling different…..

Q: On the subject of online play, what kind of advice would you give to the online player?
A: I would like to tell all the online players that it is only a game, win or lose, make it enjoyable and fun for all…… . I live in Los Angeles, CA, a city that one can get around to go to play live games easily. A lot of people that know me called me ‘Auntie’ so I used my username as LAauntie = Los Angeles Auntie and I’m loving it………… haha

I would encourage players to participate in guild playing. Not only that we can satisfy ourselves with winning the championship of the week or the month, we can also make a lot of good friends that will support and care about each other. Since we are accepting challenges from the other teams, we usually have to play long and hard, with talent and skill and in the ‘battlefield’ (haha), and along the way we create this special binding between us, so that we could fight better, harder or easier side by side…. lol
Since we just had our 1st anniversary for the TW Guild – TrueKismetSpirit (TKS) on September 16, 2012, I would like to take this golden opportunity to congratulate them for their fantastic achievement, for being the Number 1 TW guild for 48 out of the last 52 weeks. My personal thanks to all the rotating leaders and all the loyal and great players/members throughout the past year. I am so very proud of being your friend and ally and I am also humbled and honored to be one of the players to be invited to participate in this wonderful guild and team from the start…….. Thanks again. Love you all!
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